Tuesday, September 27, 2022

what is industrial automation in tamil(part-1) | techtrainer |#PLC Programming -Tamil - தமிழ்


Time Stamp

              Time Stamp

Time Stamp 0:00 what is industrial automation in tamil 4:23 automation types 8:23 closed loop auomation 18:00 industrial roboics 20:00 what type of programing using industrial automation 34:05 indutrial 4.0 35:21 pro's & con's industrial automation

             📌All Class Link easy to navigate:

Part-1 Video Link : https://youtu.be/ETkaYgIElAU Part-2 Video Link : https://youtu.be/9sbpgLD9g-4 Part-3 Video Link : https://youtu.be/UV-z0P73GAI Part-4 Video Link : https://youtu.be/zxLuJB04-3I Part-5 Video Link : https://youtu.be/3p4lhMshXoQ Part-6 Video Link : https://youtu.be/JJCYs68MDmA Part-7 Video Link : https://youtu.be/KOHDlsEs9QQ Part-8 Video Link : https://youtu.be/6LPaaVq8xQQ follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/techtrainers... Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/techtrainer... Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/c/techtrainer... Website : https://techtrainer.co.in/


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

what is industrial automation| pro's & con's about industrial automation

what is industrial automation| pro's & con's about industrial automation 

Today’s highly increasing competitiveness over the industry demands high quality and most consistent products at a competitive price. To address this challenge number of industries considering various new product designs and integrated manufacturing techniques in parallel with the use of automated devices.

One of the remarkable and influential moves for getting the solutions to the above-mentioned challenge is industrial automation. Industrial Automation facilitates to increase the product quality, reliability, and production rate while reducing production and design costs by adopting new, innovative and integrated technologies and services.


industrial Automation is the replacement with computers and machines to that of human thinking. The word Automation gives the meaning ‘self dictating’ or ‘a mechanism move by itself‘ that derived from the GreekwordsAutoand Matoswhereautomea massif while Matos means moving.

In brief. industrial automation can be defined as the use of set technologies and automatic control devices that results in the automatic operation and control of industrial processes without significant human intervention and achieving superior performance than manual control. These automation devices include PLCs, PCs, PACs, etc. and technologies include various industrial communication systems.


what is industrial automation| pro's & con's about industrial automation

1. To increase productivity

Automation of factory or manufacturing or process plant improves production rate through better control of production. it helps to produce mass production by drastically reducing assembly time per product with greater production quality. Therefore, for a given labor input it produces a large amount of output.

2. To provide the optimum cost of operation

integration of various processes in an industry with automated types of machinery minimizes cycle times and effort and hence the need for human labor gets reduced. Thus the investment of employees has been saved with automation.

3. To improve product quality

Since the automation reduces human involvement. the possibility of human errors also gets eliminated. Uniformity and product quality with greater conformity can be Maintained with automation by adaptively controlling and monitoring the industrial Processes in at! stages right from the inception of a product to an end product.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

PLC(Programmable Logic Controller) Basics for Beginners | what is PLC?|

PLC(Programmable  Logic Controller) Basics for Beginners | what is PLC? 

PLC(Programmable  Logic Controller) Basics for Beginners | what is PLC?|


Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) This is Heart and Brain of The Now day industries.PLC and Automation Change The Industries world into the next level. Previous days Industries using Relay logic and Bulk Electrical Circuit's This Setup Not Reliable to Industries so Mechanical Engineer Mr.Dick Morley Invented PLC to change The Automation Company's going to be next level Overall PLC using for Industrial Automation.

PLC Hardware 

               PLC has an important hardware Unit to process Industrial data and control accurately every industrial Process. Below I will mention the PLC main hardware parts

1)CPU-Central Processing Unit

2)Input Module

3)Output Module

4)Memory Unit

5)Communication Interface

                     We discussing The all-important parts in PLC one by one let's begin. you Learn PLC programming I will help you leave your comment section.

CPU-Central Processing Unit

                               Already you know what is CPU. Every Electronics product contain CPU this is similar to the human brain Even your smartphone, TV, your gaming console Everything contains CPU PLC also Electronic device so this is a main part of PLC this unit solves Arithmetic and logic problems in PLC's. Ladder Logic program Scanning process also is done by PLC CPUs. Ladder Logic is nothing Programming Languages for PLC's.differnt type of PLC Programming Languages available but mainly using Ladder logic Main programming Language.

Input Module

                            Input Module This is working for 24 volt and 10 milliamps current.this unit carries the input device's in PLCs like Sensors, PushButton, Encoder's Much More. this Unit Constructed by Relays and Transsisters I think you know what is this? I will teach you major properties of the Input module, 

Output Module

                           Output Module This unit also working well 24 volt and 10 milliamps current. This unit using for connecting field devices in your PLC's field devices is like Motors, Contactors, VFD(Variable field devices). and Servo motor connected and control by using the Output Module.

 Memory Unit

                         Different types of memory already Know like ROM and RAM. read Only memory using for store input and output routing table and Timer counter's PLC address too. Then Random-access Memory using for fetch to the data CPU to storage devices.

                        Another important thing is a memory store your Ladder programming and execute via scanning cycle.

Communication Interface

                         Communication Terminal Impotent unit of PLCs Because Every monitoring and programming was done by communication interface communication supported by different protocols and different hardware configurations PLC also supported by Ethernet, USB, Serial communication and Parallel communications. Nowadays PLC's supported IoT configurations famous PLC's also Lunch IoT enabled PLC's.