Tuesday, April 14, 2020

where are SCADA systems used | what is SCADA?

where are SCADA systems used|what is SCADA?

where are SCADA systems used | what is SCADA?

where are SCADA systems used&what is SCADA

    SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition).Without SCADA don't imagine nowadays digital industries SCADA not only using industries using many platforms monitoring and controlling electrical and electronic devices.in a few years back very difficult to monitoring and controlling process SCADA replace these issues because you control your machinery simply click your mouse button.SCADA system monitoring each and every process monitoring accurately Then surveillance cameras too so if any faults occurred you fix it and find the issues quickly and efficiently.SCADA not for Hardware this is fully software.

Complex SCADA systems have five levels of hierarchies:


what is a remote terminal unit(RTU)?

                 RTU(Remote Terminal Unit).RTU carries the data From PLC's to PC simply know as RTU is Communication standard for the SCADA system.

                Above The PIcute Clearly Explain RTU communication Topside Two PC's are there both PC's connected one common bus  This bus simply Know as Ethernet and Industrial Ethernet.

                   SCADA Backend must be using RTU , RTU contain Industrial standard protocols Like Modbus RTU much more but TCP/IP data Pockets using for transfer the data


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